
Social Security Pension

The Department of Social welfare, women and Child Development can look back at the achievements of the last 5 years in the areas of nutrition, care for the physically challenged and empowerment of women. Our campaign against malnutrition among children between the ages of 0 to 6 year has reached a new high with the universalisation of the ICDS program. All children irrespective of their caste, creed and colour are benefited by this scheme which covers pregnant and lactating mothers as well. This is an important step in ensuring that the child of the poorest family in the State is ensured of adequate supplementary nutrition when it is most needed for his or her overall mental and physical well-being.

In the area of the care of the physically challenged, one singular achievement has been the introduction of the Vivekananda Nisshakt Swawlamban Protsahan Yojana, whereby every physically challenged person above the age of 5 years is given a monthly stipend of 400 rupees. In all it is estimated that the State has a physically challenged population of around 3% of the total population. Besides this, a number of initiatives have been made to build and commission blind schools in several districts.

The Department is now geared to meet the challenges of the 12th Five Year Plan with renewed commitment to our set goals and new approaches, to match the changes that are emerging in the society due to accelerated economic growth. With the economy growing at a rate of 8% and above, the outlook is bright. But along with accelerated economic growth there are also certain negative trends that we have to watch out for. The 12th Plan speaks of inclusive growth wherein the fruits of development and growth are equitably distributed among all sections of society. We must therefore ensure that the underprivileged and the differently enabled persons are not left out or marginalized. We must also ensure gender equity and protection of women at the workplace as more and more women go out of their homes and engages in productive economic activity. Involvement of the non-Governmental agencies and the private sector needs to be encouraged to social commitments so that a strong partnership is built between Government on the one hand and the private sector on the other.

It has been the constant Endeavour of Social Welfare Department to provide frame work for assigning priority to different needs of the children, women, disabled, older persons for their holistic development.

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Social Welfare office

Location : Social Welfare office, Collectorate Campus | City : HAZARIBAG | PIN Code : 825301
Phone : 9835616146 | Mobile : +917903373423 | Email : socialsechzb[at]gmail[dot]com